Monday, December 29, 2008

Chinese Cultural Festival Work Camp

22.12.2008 - 28.12.2008

Okay... 1st up i would like to REALLY apologize for the absence in the English edition... i'm so SORRY...

so for this time, we'll do a *jang jang jang* Flash BACK to the PAST....

I know work camp has long gone and past... but if you've got nothing to do and just feel like taking a look at what happen 3 months ago.... This post will just fill your time eh? haha.. alright 1st up...

WORK camp!!

What happened then? hmmm... let me see....

During the beginning of camp... there were very little members who came back, so some quite worried that due the low number of members, work planned out for this work won't be able to be accomplished...

But then, as the days went by, more and more members appeared out of no where(haha.. just kidding). Well, more and more members came back to help when has eased the tension and worriness(oopss.. is there such a word)

Neways, what we were most thankful for was that our seniors came back with 'Tong Yuen' and herbal drinks for us. (The food and drinks were excellent, can we have summore :) )

After all the food and drinks and worry and tension, every group or better known as 'UNIT' started with their individual work. Everyone was relatively busy and some even had to burn the midnight oil to finish the work...

Eventhough, every 'UNIT' had their own workload to finish up, different units helped out the Sponsorship unit by going out to gather funds...

Going out for donations has made all of us pretty tired.. we were quite apprehensive to ask for donations from strangers... When we 1st started, we stuttered here and there as we spoke but eventually we were able to ask fluently and we managed to convince the strangers we met to donate for our event...

When we got rejected, it affected as and sometimes we felt irritated when we were 'scolded' by the people whom we asked asked for sponsorship... In actual fact, we do not want to disturb or irritate them. And then there were times where people who were willing to donate to us and when that happens, we felt overwhelmed and glad. We are thankful to those who've donated for our event...

As for Unit Hiasan (Decoration Unit)
The members were busy designing the backdrop and the crane model. While creating the model, many jokes tickled the hearts of the members as they were wondering whether the model they made was a crane or a goose. Some even thot that it was a turkey(prolly because it was Christmas the day before... so they were thinking of eating turkey.. :p) Eventually it became more and more like a crane.. so they were glad that it didn't turn out as a turkey...

Next, we head over to Unit Makanan (Food Unit)
This unit was extremely important because without them, we would have died of hunger as they are in charge of buying us food for every meal (dewan makan wasn't open yet). Besides that, during work camp, they were busy creating the menu for 'Makan Malam'. Pricing and choice of food are causing the head of this unit to have a headache...

Up next is.... Unit Aturcara (Programs Unit)
A lot of problems surfaced. Not many members came back so programs/practices couldn't go on....
24 Festives Drums asked the participants to create their own score/rhythm or whatever you call that... it's score piece probably... not quite sure how to name it... Those who have no experience with 24 festives drums are surely going to make the coach have a headache... Some are holding the drumsticks, hitting and trying to get the 16/4 beat score notes for the coach...

As for Unit Publisiti (Publicity Unit)
Some of the unit members had to run between HEP and college to get the correct banner format... They are also busy with logo, T-shirt design, flyers and posters...

Jumping over to Unit Teknikal (Technical Unit)
Unit members were busy with checking the 'tang lung' bulbs... All night and day, they have been sticking into this task... They made measurements for the stage preparation... all these done under the hot sun... tiring...

Fly over to Unit Multimedia (Multimedia Unit)
The unit members had an important task to do... all day facing the computer, learning the many different software.... Night and day listening to the 3rd Residential College and UM song... Some unit members went all around UM to take pictures...
Guess what?? a blackout happened while the multimedia was almost done... and everything was lost because of that.... Had to re-do everything from the beginning... sigh...

Well, towards the end of Work Camp,
Everything that was planned was almost accomplished... and everyone was pretty glad about that...
So to all Pesta Tiong Hua Committee members, dun not give up!! Go go go....

That's about it for the Flash Back....
keep on looking out for newer post as the days draw nearer... guess how many days are left?? :)

Chinese Cultural Festival Introduction

This is the English edition of the blog...

Chinese Cultural Club of the 3rd Residential College of University Malaya will be having it's annual Chinese Cultural Festival,better known as Pesta Tiong Hua. It will be the fourth time we are having this festival next year.

Our objectives:
  1. To grant the opportunity to learn about Chinese History and Culture and to exchange ideas with other community.
  2. To promote the uniqueness of the Chinese culture.
  3. To strengthen the relationship among university students.

Our theme for this year's Chinese Cultural Festival is:


(As i can't read Chinese, i'm unable to translate that for you all, will try to think of a way soon... sorry guys...)

The date of our Chinese Cultural Festival:

March 10th, 2009...

Come on guys and girls.... Let's look forward to it... :) haha...

Friday, December 26, 2008


22.12.2008 - 28.2.2008

虽然刚开始时回来的人数并不多, 令到大家很担心筹备工作的进展..
但庆幸的是, CCC会员陆陆续续的到来, 让大家的忧虑减轻不少~ ^^
更值得高兴的是, 学长学姐们都愿意选择回来帮我们这班"迷途羔羊", 更煮了些汤圆与菊花水慰劳我们, 真的是感激不尽~!!
[你们煮的好好吃哦~ 可以再要吗? 哈哈 ^^]

各个小组成员忙东忙西, 忙到不可开交~
虽然大家都忙着自己的工作, 但也不忘了帮助其他小组, 尤其是筹款组~
但每当有人愿意捐款时, 心里会莫名的兴奋~!
真的非常感激各位善心人士的慷慨解囊~ ^^

大家都在争论着那是只鹤还是只鹅.. 哈哈 ^^
不知是否圣诞节没吃到火鸡而口出此言呢~ 哈哈
不过当看到模型一日一日成型时, 成员们都很开心..
终于可大声的说:" 这确确实实是只鹤~!!!!! "

如果没了她们, 我想.....
我们应该饿死在这了吧~ lol
食材的问题, 价钱的问题, 食谱的问题..

这不能做~ 那不能进行~
整天握着自制的鼓棒敲敲打打, 只为了尽全力做出最好的鼓谱..
加油吧, 大家~!!! ^^

除此之外, 还得烦着LOGO, T-SHIRT, FLYER, POSTER等等的问题..

技术组也忙着检查灯笼, 灯泡, 插座等等的用具...
从早到晚, 日以继夜的小心翼翼检查着...

但最心痛的是, 当MULTIMEDIA做到尾声时, 突然一个跳电...

经过了一番艰辛的努力, 成果是大家有目共睹的...
中华文化节筹委们, 加油加油加油~!!!


马大第三宿舍中华文化节的国语译名为Pesta Tiong Hua. 这是由马大第三宿舍华裔生福利与文化学会所举办的. 明年将会是我们第四届中华文化节.

1. 让大学生有机会学习华人文化, 并将以发扬光大.
2. 协助华裔生之间的交流,并增进联谊.



敬请期待~! ^^